[KATARIBE 28369] [en][HA06E]Cursed Ground Swimmer

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Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 22:09:40 +0900
From: Higashimatsubara Lokai <persimon@trpg.net>
Subject: [KATARIBE 28369] [en][HA06E]Cursed Ground Swimmer
To: kataribe-ml@trpg.net
Message-Id: <5D86EE9A-7389-11D9-8DFA-000A9589C472@trpg.net>
X-Mail-Count: 28369

Log:	http://www.trpg.net/ML/kataribe-ml/28300/28369.html

Cursed Ground Swimmer <MONSTER>
	Cursed ground swimmers are humanoid monsters in swimwares,
	swimming goggles, and other swimming equipments. They can swim in
	the ground.
	Originally, most of them were normal people, but the strong curse
	of ground swimmer's equipments changed them into monsters.
	Sometimes a swimmer try to catch people, rob them of their
	clothes, and put them into the cursed swimwares. With the curse
	of the swimware, a victim temporarily becomes a ground swimmer.
	To remove the curse, the victim must catch the swimmer and get
	back his own clothes.
	Link: Ground Swimmer's Cursed Swimware
	Link: Ground Swimmer's Cursed Swimming Goggles
	Link: Ground Swimmer's Infinite Beach

Ground Swimmer's Cursed Swimware <ITEM>
	A ground swimmer's swimware looks like a simple competitive
	swimware. When equipped, it fits immediately to the wearer's
	size and gender. Its wearer can swim in the ground and hard
	floor, and walk on the water as if it were the solid ground.
	If a character wears the swimware too many times, its curse turns
	the wearer into another new cursed ground swimmer.
	Link: Cursed Ground Swimmer

Ground Swimmer's Cursed Swimming Goggles <ITEM>
	Some of the cursed ground swimmers wear magical swimming goggles.
	The goggles enables the wearer to see thorough the ground.
	Too much use of the goggles turns character into a cursed ground
	Link: Cursed Ground Swimmer
	Link: Ground Swimmer's Cursed Swimware

Ground Swimmer's Infinite Beach <OTHER WORLD>
	Ground swimmer's Infinite Beach is a legendary paradise only
	cursed ground swimmers can reach. It is an infinite summer beach
	with white coral sand, scattered salt water ponds, and many
	small stands providing food and various kinds of cursed
	swimming equipments.
	It is said that in cold seasons, most of the cursed ground
	swimmers leave this world and go to the Infinite Beach, their
	warm resort.
	Link: Cursed Ground Swimmer



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