[KATARIBE 26749] [KA] いいかげんな英語版

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Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 04:03:56 +0900
From: KATARIBE Designer  FURUTANI Shun-ichi <sf@kataribe.com>
Subject: [KATARIBE 26749] [KA] いいかげんな英語版
To: kataribe-ml@trpg.net
Message-Id: <20030919040105.82FB.SF@kataribe.com>
X-Mail-Count: 26749

Log:	http://www.trpg.net/ML/kataribe-ml/26700/26749.html

[KA] いいかげんな英語版
	KATARIBE information of English

KATARIBE Version 4 Terminology
Power ( Riki-ryou )
	Your character is capable of doing something. Power is include
skill and ability and attribute . 
	You can named and leveled character's power within World law and
Max level . 
	Example) ESP:12 , "Extraordinary Strength":14 , Fencing:10 ,
	"Digest of Spirit":15 , "Song of Madness":13 , "Strange Luck":17 ,
	"Controller of Robot":12 , Regeneration:14 , Mad-Doctor:15 ,
	"English literacy":8 , "Anime Mania":11 , "Ghost Power":13 , etc. 

Energy ( Yo-ryoku )
	It is cost of reroll. If Max Power level is 13 then Energy Max
	and Energy initial value is 15 . 

Force ( i-ryoku )
	It is strength level of result. 

	If (Power - Force) < 2d6 is failure. You can reroll , Energy =
	Energy - 1 . If you succeed , Player-called result realize
	within Force level . 

Specific( toku-sei )
	It is level of uniqueness. Specific is include feat and ability
	and attribute . 
	Depending on the situation , Power level add plus or minus
	Example) Muscle-bound:1 , "Perfect Pitch":2 , "Hometown was
	Tokyo":3 , "Japanese Citizen":3 , "High school Student":1 ,
	Tall:1 , Handsome:2 , "Loud Bark":1 , Stateless:2 

World law
	World Designer can limit Power's and Specific's. 

Resolution Procedure Ver.4-simple
1. Decide Goal ( Object and Result and Process ). 
2. Reckon Force-level with Difficulty of Result and Process . 
3. If (Power-Force) >= 2d6 then Success. 
4. If it failed , you can reroll. You one reroll require to one cost of
Energy . 


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